I have a CoreDataManager.Swift where I delegated the creation of PersistentStore Coordinator, ManagedObjectContext and NSManagedObjectModel
I have the following function where Entity is a NSManagedObject and timeStamps is NSOrderedSet. In data model timeStamps is one to many relationship to another NSManagedObject TimeStamp
func fetchData(){
let fetchRequest = NSFetchRequest(entityName:"Entity")
var error: NSError?
let fetchedResults =
error: &error) as! [NSManagedObject]?
//If error then return...
for entity in fetchedResults as! [Entity]
for eS in entity.timeStamps
println(eS.time) //OK in AppDelegate but throw compilation error in CoreDataManager.swift
// Error thrown is AnyObject does not have a member name time
//If I force to TimeStamp then the fault on timeStamps is not fired.
The issues is, it works fine if I have that function in AppDelegate but throws compilation errors in CoreDataManager. If I try to force it as TimeStamp then the fault on timeStamps is not fired.
Thanks for any help
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