I'd like to fetch all contact list of a user. I get all permissions from user and all contact numbers but, when i were to print them i see:
<CPRecord: 0x7f9e2258f580 ABPerson>
<CPRecord: 0x7f9e22595a30 ABPerson>
<CPRecord: 0x7f9e225944c0 ABPerson>...
I think, i see the prints above because i am trying to print a NSArray object. I searched a lot about it but, could not find any useful info. Here is my number fetcher func which is used after getting all permissions:
func fetchFromAB(addressBook: ABAddressBookRef){
let allPeople = ABAddressBookCopyArrayOfAllPeople(addressBook).takeRetainedValue() as NSArray
for person: ABRecordRef in allPeople{
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