jeudi 26 mars 2015

Checking property of images crashing in swift

I used this function to scan all photos from the Camera Album in iPhone/ iPad. I don't know why, for me it was crashing all the time. I really don't have any idea about where it is crashing in this function, . Sometimes it worked fine, when I changed iCloud Photo Stream to ON/OFF in Settings in iPhone/IPad. I have no idea why this happens.

This is the function which I wrote. I am passing array of PHAssets into this function.

func gettingSize(from array : NSMutableArray)
func enumerateAllImages(imageArray : NSMutableArray, completion : ((ArrayPassed : NSMutableArray) -> Void)?)

// Performing progressView addition

var TempArray : NSMutableArray = NSMutableArray()

var options : PHImageRequestOptions = PHImageRequestOptions()
options.synchronous = true
options.networkAccessAllowed = false // to skip download image from iCloud

let imageManager : PHImageManager = PHImageManager()

for index in 0...(imageArray.count - 1)
var ID = imageManager.requestImageDataForAsset( imageArray[index] as PHAsset, options: options, resultHandler:
data,stringValue,orientation,object in

var value : NSString = stringValue

if (value as NSString).containsString(".png")
if let isIniCloud = object as NSDictionary?
var isIniCloudDICT : NSDictionary = isIniCloud

if let integerCloudValue = isIniCloudDICT.valueForKeyPath(PHImageResultIsInCloudKey) as? Int

if integerCloudValue == 0
if index == (imageArray.count - 1)
self.tempImageSize = self.tempImageSize + data.length
completion!(ArrayPassed: TempArray)
self.tempImageSize = self.tempImageSize + data.length

} // Checking condition for integerValueCloud
if index == (imageArray.count - 1)
completion!(ArrayPassed: TempArray)

} // Is in iCloud Optional checking
if index == (imageArray.count - 1)
completion!(ArrayPassed: TempArray)

} // Is in iCloud NSDictionary optional checking
if index == (imageArray.count - 1)
completion!(ArrayPassed: TempArray)
if index == (imageArray.count - 1)
completion!(ArrayPassed: TempArray)
}) // Image Manager
} // For loop
} // Nested Function

enumerateAllImages( array, { ArrayPassed in

if ArrayPassed.count == 0
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), {

self.progressView.progress = 0
self.tempProgress = 0
self.Array = ArrayPassed

Does anybody knows why this happens, when I run it, it crashes? Crahes on this line

var value : NSString = stringValue

Multiple times, no idea why this happens.?

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