I'm trying to figure out what state the Watch is in when the iPhone app launches.
On the watch, there are 3 buttons. When a button is pressed the following code is run:
if let watchDefaults = NSUserDefaults(suiteName: "group.mywatchkit") {
watchDefaults.setInteger(1, forKey: "intstate")
Then when the app is launched, in the viewDidLoad() method I try to retrieve the state:
if let watchDefaults = NSUserDefaults(suiteName: "group.mywatchkit"){
let currentState = watchDefaults.integerForKey("intstate")
if currentState != 0 {
stateLabel.text = currentState.description
switch currentState {
case 1:
//do what state 1 needs
println("current state is \(currentState)")
case 2:
//do what state 2 needs
println("current state is \(currentState)")
case 3:
//do what state 3 needs
println("current state is \(currentState)")
println("default state")
} else {
watchDefaults.setInteger(3, forKey: "intstate")
stateLabel.text = "current state is 3"
Sadly I'm always getting the string "???" Am I missing something fundamental?
Because it returns 0 if there is no value and there for it will never be nil. So you just need to check if it is equal to 0.
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