jeudi 1 janvier 2015

Custom parameter in Quickblox notification chatroom IOS to android

Hello everyone i am creating chat application using Quickblox, I have followed the instruction below:

Create APNS certificate and upload it to the Admin panel

Subscribe users to push notifications

I have set the notification as following way

aps = {

alert = "user one says hi in group";
"dialog_id" = 54a3ee0a535c12ea3f01b89f;
"qb_chat_type" = QBGroupChat;
"qb_message_text" = hi;
"qb_message_type" = text;
"qb_sender_image" = "";
"qb_sender_name" = "Neeta khurana";
"tab_group_id" = 200;
"user_id" = 2101266;

But the quickblox send 2 notifications in group chat one is above that i have set and another is below:

aps = {
alert = "You have 15 new messages";
sound = 1;
"dialog_id" = 54a3ee0a535c12ea3f01b89f;
"user_id" = 2101266;

So i don't want the notification generated automatically by quickblox and for android device the notification not appears. can anybody help to sort out this.

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